Leather cuffs are a perfect and COMFORTABLE way to show off huge pieces of gorgeous turquoise and other stones!
A look back:
I fell in love with leather and turquoise when I was a kid - my grandma loved turquoise, horses, the old west.... I think she passed that on to me during our visits. I lived and breathed horses and cowboys...any book on horses or fiction book of cowboy stories I could get my hands on was often read many times over. That grew into teaching myself how to make things - first my own pair of leather chaps for riding, and it gradually turned into jewelry making. My Dad told me once, "If you want something, try making it before you decide to go buy it ." I am forever grateful for that advise - It has led me down a hugely creative and satisfying path of making, building, and self-confidence.
I made these cuffs with memories of my grandma in the background.... I know she would have loved to wear any one of these, and she would have been very proud of the turquoise jewelry I've created to this point.
Shop cuffs and newly listed pieces here: https://www.aztecadesignsboutique.com/collections/frontpage